Movement Disorders
Veracity Neuroscience LLC
5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 511
Memphis, TN 38157
Phone: 901-443-9170
FAX: 901-443-0258
There are multiple challenges that a diagnosis of Huntington disease (HD) brings to families. Our mission is to improve the lives of patients and families affected by Huntington disease. In addition to our expertise in the diagnosis and medical management of HD and related disorders, we also provide assistance to people at risk for HD, HD families, and caretakers.
The Lindsey-Saemenes HD Center of Excellence (HD COE) provides social workers, nutritionists, occupational therapists, and physical therapists on the HD COE monthly clinic day, to assist you in finding answers to your questions.
Jimmy Lindsey passed away in May 2023. Jimmy drove an 18 wheeler and loved telling the story of how he transorted Greg Almond's piano. He loved listening to classic rock and old country music. Jimmy greeted everyone with a smile and had a funny saying about everything and everyone! In particular, he enjoyed assigning hilarious nicknames for friends and family. He was a tough guy and fought through HD for many years and never complained. His famous words were "I'm OK." Even though Jimmy is no longer with us, he is constantly in our hearts, and will always be an inspiration.
Don Saemenes has been a motivational figure within the local HD community for decades. Along with his loving family, he has been the major driving force behind fundraising for HD via a yearly golf tournament and other activities. You cannot miss Mr. Saemenes since he is usually the tallest man in the room. He is loved and respected by all that have come to know him. He played a seminal role in establishing our HD clinic for patients and families.
The HD clinic has been involved in numerous clinical trials over the past decade and we remain focused on developing better treatments for the various manifestations of HD and, ultimately, a cure for this neurodegenerative disorder.
Our local HD Center of Excellence holds an exclusive HD clinic on the fourth Wednesday of each month at Veracity Neuroscience, 5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 511, Memphis, Tennessee 38157. Call (901) 443-9170 or email us at support@veracityneuroscience.com to schedule an appointment.
Our HD Center of Excellence clinic is staffed by Dr. LeDoux (Neurologist with subspecialty expertise in Movement Disorders and Neurogenetics), Sara Wilkinson (Clinic Coordinator), Missy McGowan (social worker), Nurse (Leah Rushing), Dietician (Amy Bourdeau), Physical Therapist (Rusty Middleton), Occupational Therapist (Sheila Harris), and Speech/Language Pathologist (Madeline Gragg).